What you'll learn
Length: 5 min
Burnout is feeling overwhelmed and exhausted by everything you have to do and still worrying that you are not doing enough. In the introduction, co-authors Emily and Amelia Nagoski will teach us about how destructive that feeling can be and will preview how to tackle it.
Length: 12 min
In this chapter, we'll learn about the body's stress response cycle and some tips on how we can complete it for burnout relief.
Length: 8 min
The monitor is a little watcher in our brains that is aware of what our goals are, how much effort we're investing in those goals, and how much progress we're making. It's a key player in our overall stress and how we alleviate burnout. In this chapter, we'll meet Latter-Day Lesbian co-hosts Shelly Johnson and Mary Rutt, as they explain their own experiences grappling with their internal monitors.
Length: 6 min
Finding meaning in our lives can help us avoid burnout - but how do we get there? In this chapter, we'll meet former choral directors, McKenna Stenson and Kyra Stahr, as they explore this question in their own life journeys. Co-authors Emily and Amelia Nagoski will also list exercises we can do at home to find our own path.
Length: 6 min
Ever feel like the effort isn't generating the results? It may not be a 'you' problem - it very easily could be societal barriers as a whole. In this chapter, co-authors Emily and Amelia Nagoski walk through how the game is rigged against women, how we can heal from learned helplessness, and how we can recognize our own power. We'll also meet Dr. Emmanuela Stanislaus, an entrepreneur who has struggled with rigged game roadblocks throughout her career.
Length: 13 min
In this chapter, we'll learn about the stress caused by the bikini industrial complex, as women feel pressured to become thinner and thinner. We'll also learn about the importance of connecting and resting as a way to combat burnout. Along the way, we'll meet About Progress podcast host, Monica Packer, as she retells how these themes shaped her life.
Length: 5 min
Growing Mighty and Living Joyfully Ever After can be obtained once we learn about the intricacies of burnout and how to handle it. In closing, co-author Amelia Nagoski will wrap up everything we've learned through her own song.
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More about Burnout
In "Burnout," Emily and Amelia Nagoski delve into the complex issues surrounding well-being and provide eye-opening scientific insights, prescriptive advice, and helpful exercises to empower anyone to combat burnout. You'll also learn first-hand how you can take essential steps toward recovery from burnout, by embracing rest, human connection, and befriending your inner critic. With their transformative approach to wellness, Emily and Amelia Nagoski offer a roadmap for you to reclaim your life, achieve authentic well-being, and confidently navigate the challenges of today's world.