What you'll learn

Length: 3 min
Kim Scott is a best-selling author and succesful operating executive. She has the keys to a new way of working: Radical Candor. And it all started with a man named "Bob".

Length: 10 min
How can we cultivate radically candid relationships? Learn how to challenge directly while caring personally - and what happens if you slip in either direction.

Length: 10 min
Informal, pervasive guidance and feedback are clutch to a radically candid work environment. And it always starts with you.

Length: 9 min
Learn how to build a team that's taking steps in the direction of their dreams, and learn how to give them exactly what they need.

Length: 12 min
With Scott's time-tested "Get-Stuff-Done Wheel," you'll never be at a lack of results again.

Length: 3 min
A review of everything we've learned about Radical Candor - and a reminder it's not an excuse to give into bias or bullying.
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More about Radical Candor
In a groundbreaking videobook about becoming the ultimate leader for your team: author Kim Scott has the keys to a new method of working, where you don’t have to pick between being a jerk and a pushover. In Radical Candor, Kim Scott lays down the framework for becoming direct and precise but also kind in your leadership. The videobook teaches you how to achieve this by avoiding what’s known as the three perils—Obnoxious Aggression, Manipulative Insincerity, and Ruinous Empathy. Caring personally and challenging directly—that’s the motto of Radical Candor. And through it, you can create a culture of compassion and a cohesive team.