What you'll learn
Length: 1 min
How did one small company beat Amazon? Meet Jim McKelvey, the co-founder of Square and author of The Innovation Stack, a process to make your ideas revolutionary and impenetrable.
Length: 11 min
Find yourself a perfect problem - something solvable, but not yet solved. McKelvey, alongside Square founding team member Sam Wen, will show you how a focus on these types of problems lead to the beginning building of an innovation stack.
Length: 6 min
Who can be our mentor for an idea no one has done before? McKelvey and agricultural economist Daniel A. Sumner found their mythical expert in the past: A.P. Giannini, the founder of modern banking.
Length: 8 min
With the help of behavioral economist Dan Ariely, McKelvey goes over the physics of innovation that will keep your ideas protected and unique.
Length: 8 min
Why don't we ever talk about how being an entrepreneur feels? McKelvey gets into the nitty-gritty of every feeling you'll process on your journey. Plus, we'll watch as McKelvey and executive director Jeff Mazur push their feelings into a new, life-affirming company.
Length: 1 min
A review of everything we've learned about building an innovation stack - and a reminder that every new idea requires us to start at a newly fortified zero.
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More about The Innovation Stack
When lacking experience and expertise, you need an entirely new perspective when dealing with problems. Experimentation, innovation, and questioning the industry’s assumptions will take you a long way during your earliest challenges. In The Innovation Stack, Square co-founder Jim McKelvey shows precisely what it takes to build a strong company and the meaning behind becoming a true entrepreneur. A first-person look inside the world of entrepreneurship and how every one of us can find the entrepreneur within, then identify and fix the world’s unsolved problems.